
Add a Cypress component testing configuration to an existing project. Cypress v10.7.0 or higher is required.

Can I use component testing?

Angular component testing with Nx requires Cypress version 10.7.0 and up.

You can migrate with to v10 via the migrate-to-cypress-10 generator.

This generator is for Cypress based component testing.

If you want to test components via Storybook with Cypress, then check out the storybook-configuration generator docs. However, this functionality is deprecated, and will be removed on Nx version 18.

This generator is designed to get your Angular project up and running with Cypress Component Testing.

nx g @nx/angular:cypress-component-configuration --project=my-cool-angular-project

Nx 15 and lower use @nrwl/ instead of @nx/

Running this generator, adds the required files to the specified project with a preconfigured cypress.config.ts designed for Nx workspaces.

1import { defineConfig } from 'cypress'; 2import { nxComponentTestingPreset } from '@nx/angular/plugins/component-testing'; 3 4export default defineConfig({ 5 component: nxComponentTestingPreset(__filename), 6}); 7
Nx 15 and lower use @nrwl/ instead of @nx/

Here is an example on how to add custom options to the configuration

1import { defineConfig } from 'cypress'; 2import { nxComponentTestingPreset } from '@nx/angular/plugins/component-testing'; 3 4export default defineConfig({ 5 component: { 6 ...nxComponentTestingPreset(__filename), 7 // extra options here 8 }, 9}); 10
Nx 15 and lower use @nrwl/ instead of @nx/

Specifying a Build Target

Component testing requires a build target to correctly run the component test dev server. This option can be manually specified with --build-target=some-angular-app:build, but Nx will infer this usage from the project graph if one isn't provided.

For Angular projects, the build target needs to be using the @nx/angular:webpack-browser or @angular-devkit/build-angular:browser executor. The generator will throw an error if a build target can't be found and suggest passing one in manually.

Letting Nx infer the build target by default

nx g @nx/angular:cypress-component-configuration --project=my-cool-angular-project

Nx 15 and lower use @nrwl/ instead of @nx/

Manually specifying the build target

nx g @nx/angular:cypress-component-configuration --project=my-cool-angular-project --build-target:some-angular-app:build --generate-tests

Nx 15 and lower use @nrwl/ instead of @nx/
Build Target with Configuration

If you're wanting to use a build target with a specific configuration. i.e. my-app:build:production, then manually providing --build-target=my-app:build:production is the best way to do that.

Auto Generating Tests

You can optionally use the --generate-tests flag to generate a test file for each component in your project.

nx g @nx/angular:cypress-component-configuration --project=my-cool-angular-project --generate-tests

Nx 15 and lower use @nrwl/ instead of @nx/

Running Component Tests

A new component-test target will be added to the specified project to run your component tests.

nx g component-test my-cool-angular-project

Here is an example of the project configuration that is generated. The --build-target option is added as the devServerTarget which can be changed as needed.

1{ 2 "targets" { 3 "component-test": { 4 "executor": "@nx/cypress:cypress", 5 "options": { 6 "cypressConfig": "<path-to-project-root>/cypress.config.ts", 7 "testingType": "component", 8 "devServerTarget": "some-angular-app:build", 9 "skipServe": true 10 } 11 } 12 } 13} 14
Nx 15 and lower use @nrwl/ instead of @nx/

What is bundled

When the project being tested is a dependent of the specified --build-target, then assets, scripts, and styles are applied to the component being tested. You can determine if the project is dependent by using the project graph. If there is no link between the two projects, then the assets, scripts, and styles won't be included in the build; therefore, they will not be applied to the component. To have a link between projects, you can import from the project being tested into the specified --build-target project, or set the --build-target project to implicitly depend on the project being tested.

Nx also supports React component testing.


1nx generate cypress-component-configuration ... 2

By default, Nx will search for cypress-component-configuration in the default collection provisioned in workspace.json.

You can specify the collection explicitly as follows:

1nx g @nx/angular:cypress-component-configuration ... 2
Nx 15 and lower use @nrwl/ instead of @nx/

Show what will be generated without writing to disk:

1nx g cypress-component-configuration ... --dry-run 2




The name of the project to add cypress component testing configuration to


Pattern: ^[^:\\s]+:[^:\\s]+(:\\S+)?$

A build target used to configure Cypress component testing in the format of project:target[:configuration]. The build target should be an angular app. If not provided we will try to infer it from your projects usage.


Default: false

Generate default component tests for existing components in the project


Default: false

Skip formatting files